Headshot of Sara-Jane Schroeder, Proofreader

Sara-Jane Schroeder


To some, the work of a proofreader may seem mind-numbingly boring or frustrating––reading, reading and more reading; correcting the minutiae of commas, periods and quotation marks. But Sara-Jane finds it neither. She loves to read and believes her path to becoming a good proofreader meandered quite naturally through the countless books she’s read since grade school.

She returned to school as an adult to get an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Development, then a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, which led to more reading and quite a bit of writing, too. Add to that a varied career as a pre-school teacher, an executive assistant to the president of a large nonprofit, and co-owner of a real estate company, and you’ll realize she’s done plenty of reading and writing throughout her career.

Vigilant Perfectionist

As KidGlov’s passionate and vigilant proofreader, Sara-Jane studies the details of every page that comes her way. It is not enough to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, she puts punctuation in its place, doublechecks numbers and dates, examines grammar and scrutinizes spelling (sorry folks, spell-check is fallible), tense and the nuances of use.

When she’s not ensuring that every page of KidGlov copy is perfect, Sara-Jane enjoys caring for her clowder of senior cats, puttering with house and garden projects and, of course, reading.