SouthPointe Pavilions

Influencer Campaign

Instagram Influencer

About the Campaign

SouthPointe Pavilions, a popular shopping, dining, and entertainment destination, set a goal to increase their social media and digital presence, ultimately driving people (and sales!) to the stores.

They turned to KidGlov to devise a social media strategy to achieve this goal. A core part of the strategy was hiring an influencer that reflected the primary target shopper. 


  • Social Media

  • Digital Ads

  • Television

  • Radio

Stylist for All Seasons

The influencer, later coined the SouthPointe Stylist, created social media content that highlighted common style questions, concerns, gifting, and how store merchandise could solve these. 

Because she was such a hit in the summer, she was incorporated into other seasonal campaigns, including the holidays. She became the star of TV commercials, radio spots, and digital ads. 



in total social media engagement



in combined social media impressions


Click-Through Rate

for digital ads against a .1% benchmark