Farmers & Merchants Bank
Hometown Bank Campaign

Custom Community Illustration
About the Campaign
Knowing your neighbors and taking pride in a community is a staple at Farmers & Merchants Bank. With research as a guide, the bank sought to educate current customers that they offer perks and expertise to rival their larger bank competitors.
KidGlov stepped in to create something unique to visually emphasize that the bank’s located in 12 hometowns across Nebraska. We did this via an illustration that represents the communities they serve and provided a print piece that would never see the recycle bin — instead be held onto for future reference.
The campaign tagline “What’s Inside Your Hometown Bank” serves as a welcoming gesture to draw customers into what the bank has to offer. It also is a reminder that FMB is your bank, right there in your town providing you with all the big bank perks.
Direct Mail Print Piece
Custom Illustration

Direct Mail - Interior Panels

Direct Mail - Envelope

Direct Mail - Accordion Fold
What’s Inside Your Hometown Bank?
Promoting value and hometown pride is a difficult road to travel, especially when your competitors are much larger than you. When customers framed the town representation illustration and showed it to family and friends, we knew we hit the mark in putting the “pride” in hometown pride.
The objectives were met beyond expectations, but Gerry Dunlap, FMB President, takes it a step past the numbers and data and sums up the true success of this campaign-
What we really try to do is help people. We enjoy working with businesses and seeing them grow. You feel you’ve really done something when that business is successful. Same thing with farmers or individuals that we help and then see them prosper. We enjoy seeing that happen.