Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Integrated Campaign

Alcohol Free Social Media Ad

Vape Free Social Media Ad
About the Campaign
The Department of Health and Human Services partnered with KidGlov to help educate Nebraska parents on the critical importance of talking to their kids about the dangers of underage alcohol use, binge drinking and marijuana.
These materials needed to grab parents’ attention in very crowded digital and print spaces and be relatable to all Nebraska parents – both urban and rural. In addition, these materials needed to be fully customizable for use by each region in the state.
Campaign elements included: Fully customizable digital ads, social media posts and graphics, and templates for print ads, posters and informational handouts on each substance.
Digital Ads
Social Media Ads
Print Ad Templates
Informational Handouts
Movie Theater Ad
Let’s Talk
After KidGlov presented the statewide campaign, several regions reached out for additional assistance from KidGlov to share this important message. Those conversations resulted in custom landing pages for the digital ads, each featuring the most valuable resources in the respective areas as well as nationally. We also helped write informational sheets on key substances, and to further the reach all pieces were translated into Spanish.


Landing Page

Informational Sheets