Prevention Coalition
Get Tech Just Right Campaign

Social Media
About the Campaign
Parents have a million and one things to worry about, including how much time their kids are spending on their tech devices. For Prevention Coalition, this was a growing concern for their community of parents, and they knew they had to create a resource to help parents navigate this topic.
The “Get Tech Just Right” campaign equipped parents with the tools to have positive and open conversations with their kids about using tech. Instead of the unoriginal and unrealistic “don’t use tech” message, these resources focused on a more positive message — “Here’s how to balance tech the right way.”
KidGlov created an engaging, informative workbook and shared it on different channels to ensure parents, schools, and Prevention Coalition’s community partners had the tools they needed to confidently carry this conversation.
Activity Workbook
Landing Page
Digital/Social Ads
Social Media
Streaming Audio

Landing Page

Activity Workbook

Activity Workbook
Get Tech Just Right
Tech is a tool that, when used correctly, can improve lives. It’s all about finding the right balance. That important message provided the foundation for a campaign that resonated with parents and teens too.
Today, the campaign continues to inspire people to reevaluate their time on devices to get tech just right.

Pizza Digital Ad

Chips digital ad
Total Impressions
on social media after 10 months
Link Clicks to website
imperative for grant funding
Video Playthroughs
creating awareness and educating viewers